Wealth Planning will eliminate confusion, fear, and anxiety and prepare you for the future.

Our personalized financial planning allows you to calmly and confidently build wealth.

Take control of your financial future with a financial plan crafted to help high-income earners like you achieve your goals. Miner Wealth Management takes the hassle out of managing your wealth and ensuring your financial future is secure.

The steps to the Miner Wealth Management Process are:

1. Get to Know You

It’s a joy to hear your story and learn what is on your mind and where you hope to go. In this meeting, we’ll get to know each other and determine if we are the best fit to work together.

2. Get Together

When you’re ready, we’ll provide you with a proposal for our partnership.  We discuss pricing and terms for an ongoing planning engagement or planning and investment management services. 

3. Get Organized

Once the contract is signed, we’ll gather and review your financial documents and prioritize your plan. We always start with what’s currently top-of-mind – a new job, new kid, newly married, newly single, or retired – and work from there through all the financial planning topics.

4. Get a Financial Plan that Works as Hard as You

As we assess your situation, opportunities to build wealth will emerge. We may suggest increasing savings, restructuring your investment portfolio, or altering your giving strategies. The possibilities–and tax advantages– go on and on, but we will always start with the actions that get you closer to your goals.

5. Get After It

It takes three to six months for clients to implement the initial financial plan recommendations. But you don’t have to go it alone! Clients often schedule three or four check-ins for ongoing support. These meetings can be in person, virtual,  by phone, or through email. We are always available to provide guidance, accountability, and evaluation to help keep your momentum going.

6. Get Support

After your plan is in place, we are always available to help answer your questions and navigate life transitions. In addition, we invite all our clients to check in at least twice a year. This is a great time to discuss things like beginning-of-the-year planning, taxes, and open enrollments. There’s always something to talk about!

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